Monday, July 22, 2024

Weekly Margin 2024, W29: JOB, Home, Suffs

7/17/24: JOB
What: The Broadway transfer of Max Wolf Friedlich's two-hander play about a therapy consultation for a woman placed on leave from a job to which she's desperate to return.
And? I really want to respect the playwright's wish to not spoil certain elements of the play (there was a talkback the night we attended), but I'll say this is excellent and tense theater that keeps you on your toes and questioning whether anything you're seeing or hearing is real. I thought it was great.

Peter Friedman and Sydney Lemmon in the Off-Broadway run, as Loyd and 
Jane. Photo by Emilio Madrid.

7/18/24: Home
a repeat visit

7/20/24: Suffs
a repeat visit

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